Password change doesn’t boost your enterprise cyber security
As data security concerns are increasing day by day, most security experts say that frequent password change can bolster enterprise cyber security. But this...
Healthcare alert- Medical devices are more prone to cyber attacks
Medical devices are having cyber security flaws which when explored by hackers can cause serious hacking concerns. Recently, Johnson & Johnson(J&J) discovered that its...
Huawei to offer Trustlook mobile security to its mobile users
Huawei has made it official that all its Emotional User Interface(EMUI) custom operating system users will have embedded software offering them utmost mobile security...
The Hunter’s Den: Internal Reconnaissance (Part 1)
The Hunter’s Den: Internal Reconnaissance (Part 1)
By Josh Liburdi, Security Technologist at Sqrrl, and George Aquila
As we laid out in our introduction, The Hunter’s...
Businesses in gulf are most vulnerable to Cyber Attacks
Data Security concerns are increasing day by day. But the most organization still seems to be in a relaxed stage. According to a survey...
How to Avoid Wasting Time on False Positives
by Carl Manion | Managing Principal, Raytheon Foreground Security
False positives. Those annoying notifications that make you panic at first, but after further investigation, turn...
Recap on 2016 US Election’s Major Cyber Attacks
As expected, the previous US election became the major target of cyber attacks which made a fatal blow on the standing of several US...
Capgemini Leaks Data of Recruitment Firm PageGroup
Eduard Kovacs wrote an interesting post about Capgemini Leaks Data of Recruitment Firm PageGroup that I would like to share.
"Job-related information belonging to hundreds of...
Video: Cloud security: don’t harden infrastructure, follow data
Guest blog by David Spark, Spark Media Solutions
“Hardening the cloud is a really difficult conversation for someone to have that doesn’t own the infrastructure,”...
Fundamental Cloud Security Practices to Consider
The majority of business entities and other industries have resorted to the use of the Cloud since it has paved the way to a...
Is data minimization the new data ethics in subscription management?
Data could be your biggest asset but it could also be your weakest link. The more you collect, the more there is to be...