1.) China is said to have cyber-attacked the Foreign Affairs Think Tanks of Australia for at least two times this year. As the attack was similar to the one launched on the think tanks of United States, the Australian intelligence has come to a conclusion on Tuesday that the incident could have been sponsored by the Chinese government.
Lowy Institute is the agency in discussion and is reported to have been subjected to consistent “Water Hole” attacks in order to expose the online dealings of the federal government and the visiting foreign dignitaries. In such incidents, hackers try to plot malware into the systems and networks of the government agencies or business leaders visiting the website.
Officials from the Australian Signals Directorate were the ones who detected the breach in Lowy. It isn’t clear yet on the extent of access achieved by the cyber crooks. But the officials came to the conclusion that the think tank was poorly resourced to monitor such attacks.
2.) Websites of 4 Montreal Regional Health records are said to be down since November 29th this year and officials assured that no personal data was compromised during the digital disruption. The websites include CIUSS Centre Ouest De I’ll-de-Montreal, Nord De l’le- de- Montreal, I’Ouest-de-I’ll-de-Montreal and Centre –Sud-de-I’ll-de-Montreal and Sante Montreal.
3.) Ukraine has again come out into open to criticize Russia for launching disastrous cyber attacks on the country’s judiciary system. The Security Service of Ukraine said in a statement that hackers used phishing attacks via malicious accounting documents to target the IT infrastructure of the judiciary system.
Things deteriorated when Russian annexed Crimea in 2014 leading to the run of Russian military over eastern Ukraine. Since then, i.e. 2014, Ukraine has been accusing Kremlin of launching digital assaults on the country’s infrastructure.
On Nov 26, the situation worsened when Russian forces fired on and seized 3 Ukraine naval vessels carrying 24 navy personnel.
More details are awaited!