Facebook needs to explain this to the World

Cybersecurity- Insiders

A survey conducted on 20,000 secondary school pupil says that 1 in 5 children- some as young as 10- are creating social media accounts that they keep a secret from their parents. A vast majority of the fake accounts are said to prevailing on Facebook-owned photo-sharing app Instagram which heightens fears that X-rated content is being posted on the platform.

The research which was carried out by Digital Awareness UK(DAUK) in collaboration with Headmasters and Headmistresses Conference(HMC) of Independent Schools found that 40% of children aged in between 11 to 18 had two profiles, with half of them admitting that they keep the other private and discrete from their social world.

Over 20% of pupils said that they operate a ‘main’ account to show their parents and then a separate one only visible to their close ones or strangers.

DA UK’s survey also disclosed that a mother who participated in their survey notified them that she came across her 13- year old daughter’s secret profile upon checking here locked tablet files where she was found urging others to ‘R@p# Her’ as she had an obsession to be S@$ually exploited by a stranger after watching some obnoxious content on the web.

The mother was startled when she inquired about her girl’s online activities with one of her daughter’s close friends as the teenager admitted that they had the habit of visiting Rave Parties- all possible by connecting with related contact from their secret social media profiles.

Mike Buchanan, HMC Chief said that it’s disturbing that many teenagers are tempted into creating online spaces where parents and teachers cannot trace them. And this can prove fatal to their lives and the society if it remains unchecked.

At this juncture, the onus falls on the parents and the companies offering online services to keep a check on such fake profiles.

Companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter have already been doing their best in curbing online content pertaining to child abuse, hate speech, offensive trolling, and suspension of fake accounts spreading fake news and blasphemy content.

At the same time Parents and teachers of children under the age of 18 should also keep an eye on their subjects on a regular note and if necessary should talk to them on topics which otherwise churn social stigma. This will help individuals take up a great path and achieve success in their lives as well as in society.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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