As there is an increase in Ransomware attacks, many tech companies have formed into a task force to offer a standardized framework to deal with such file encrypting malware threats scientifically.
Leading the front is Microsoft that has extended its hand to set-up a framework and a platform to establish a Ransomware Task Force (RTF). Aspen Digital, Cybereason, The Cyber Threat Alliance, The CyberPeace Institute, The Cybersecurity Coalition, The Global Cyber Alliance, The Institute for Security and Technology, McAfee, Rapid 7, Resilience, SecurityScoreCard, Shadowserver Foundation, Team Cymru, Third Way, UT Austin Stauss Center, Venable LLP, and Stratigos Security are the companies that have joined the task force to eradicate the activities of threat actors spreading ransomware.
Now, to those who have very little knowledge on what is RTF, here’s a gist. When a ransomware attacks strikes a business database, the victimized firm then searches for a security expert/s who demand as per the situation. But RTF rectifies the situation by offering a dedicated response center that not only helps the victim in mitigating the risk, but it also acts as an action center that shares the intelligence on a common platform that can act as a guiding force to other companies operating across the world in keeping such attacks at bay.
As per the available data now, the Ransomware Task Force website is all set to launch in January 2021 and will launch a membership and leadership drive there after.