Mobile Security firms ESET, Lookout, Zimperium to clean up Google Play Store

Cybersecurity- Insiders

Google has asked three mobile security firms to help it scan for bad android apps on its Google Play Store. So, a team of security researchers from Lookout, Zimperium, and ESET will start sieving bad apps from the Play Store before they reach the user devices.

As the American Technology Giant is committed to offering a safe and secure environment for its users, it has partnered with 3 well-known companies offering mobile security to do the clean up all as a part of the App Defense Alliance.

So, the purpose of App Defense Alliance is to band together malware and threat detection engines to improve the security scanning operations that Android apps go through to create a safe and secure environment for users to download trusted apps.

Technically speaking, app developers develop and submit Apps functional on Android to the Play Store and the Google employees must strain them with applications such as Bouncer and Google Play Protect for any malevolent apps.

Although the current security arrangement is capable of detecting 1000s of malicious android apps, the web search giant wants to strengthen the arrangement with the addition of three more companies that offer mobile security services.

“We will be integrating our services with the technologies of three other companies to make our Google Play Store free from any kind of malicious tools,” says Dave Kleidermacher, Vice President, Android Security & Privacy.

Dave added that the arrangement is to increase the risk detection intelligence of Google Play Store in identifying and quarantining malicious cyber threats in time.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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