Mobile security threat to New York Postal department!

Cybersecurity- Insiders

New York Postal department suffered a mobile security threat on this weekend when its push notifications system was compromised. As per our sources, hackers succeeded in hijacking the system to send out messages to all users of the New York Post Mobile App.

The messages sent by hackers contained the following lines of Cryptic content which read “Hail President Donald Trump….” and some messages contained some religious or spiritual content targeting Muslim Community. Few messages also contained Nirvana Lyric which can be found as a default music tone on every Windows OS loaded device.

The New York Times published a post today giving some more details of the hack and added that the hack was not an act of state-sponsored actors of any sort. However, the post said that if the hackers succeeded in getting into the database, then they can play more in future for sure!

Nevertheless, the hack caused a lot of chaos and amusement among twitter users as soon as the messages shared on the New York Post app were posted by the staff writer of the postal department. The twitter handle through which the message hack was circulated received a lot of flak and immense criticism from followers. A few of them abused the entire department for showing callousness towards the cyber security of the users of the postal app.

Historically, in the year 2012, the postal department’s website was taken down by hackers who posted a funny message on the home page. The department’s IT staff struggled for 3 days in order to bring back the normal operations on the website.
And now the hackers targeted the mobile app of the postal department which could have spilled some critical details of users.

New York Police department has launched a probe on the hack and is said to reveal some more details about the hack and the hackers soon.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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