A France-based hospital was reportedly hit by a ransomware attack and confirmed sources speak in that the healthcare network was hit by those spreading Egregor Ransomware. The hospital that has been hit is Center Hospitalier de Dax Cote d Argent and sources say that the medical facility was hit by ransomware on February 8h,2021.
Avast, a Cybersecurity vendor reports the malware attack has disrupted the hospital services so much that it has brought the patient care to a halt as email services and phone lines were malfunctioning and the IT staff are doing their best in bringing the communication system back to normalcy by the end of the day.
Meanwhile, in a surprise development, Ukraine’s law enforcement authorities took control of a firm that had hackers and individuals providing logistical and financial support to the Egregor ransomware as a service group.
Highly placed sources said that the cops arrested the hackers as per the developments seen in the Paris Tribunal de Grande Instance, the France’s busiest court that was dealing with the Europol detected hackers who were dealing in Bitcoins to free up the databases from encryption.
Note- The year 2021 has proved unlucky to most of the hacking gangs spreading malware like ransomware. As in January 2021, FBI seized NetWalker ransomware gang that was infecting Windows Machine. And by the end of last month, Maze ransomware gang made it official that it was going to seize all its malware distributing campaigns because of some operational hiccups.