Artificial Intelligence

AI news trending on Google

To those interested in known news bits on the technology of Artificial Intelligence, here some fuel for thought. According to a report published in New York Post, a woman located in the same city has married a virtual man generated to the Artificial Intelligence. The woman named Rosanna Ramos, mother of two children, married a […]

The Transformative Power of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a disruptive force across various industries, and its potential impact on healthcare is nothing short of revolutionary. With advancements in machine learning and data analytics, AI has the ability to transform healthcare delivery, improve patient outcomes, and enhance overall efficiency. This article explores the key areas where AI is […]

Unleashing the Power of AI with Caution: Understanding Cybersecurity Risks

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionizing industries and transforming the way we live and work. However, as AI continues to advance, it brings with it a new set of cybersecurity risks and challenges. In this blog, we will delve into the potential risks associated with AI and the importance of implementing robust […]

Will AI technology change our lives to good or bad

The impact of AI technology on our lives is a complex and multifaceted topic. It has the potential to bring both positive and negative changes, depending on how it is developed, implemented, and regulated. Here are some key considerations: Positive Impacts Increased Efficiency and Productivity: AI has the potential to automate repetitive tasks, allowing humans […]

News on WhatsApp listening to sleeping users and Doctors fraternity raising voice against AI threat to humanity

Elon Musk issued a statement recently slamming WhatsApp for secretly recording activities while the user is sleeping. On Tuesday, the Tesla Chief raised concerns that “WhatsApp cannot be trusted” when it comes to keeping its user data private and secure from snooping eyes. “If the company is itself indulging in malpractices, then how can an […]

Jobs that will be lost for sure with adoption of Artificial Intelligence Technology

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has predicted that computers and intelligent machines will eventually replace manual labor, resulting in humans losing their jobs to AI technology. While adopting automation and AI can boost productivity and economic growth, it will also result in job loss for millions who may need to switch occupations or upgrade their skills […]

Godfather of AI quits Google to save the world

Geoffrey Hinton, who is known to the world as Godfather of AI has made an official an-nouncement that he will quit his position at Google for the betterment of humans from the de-velopments of the technology. Mr. Hinton released a video to the world, where he is seen tell-ing to the world that he has […]

Lung Cancer detection possible 10 Years prior with AI

Lung cancer is a dangerous and contagious disease that spreads throughout the body quickly and is not easy to detect in its early stages. However, thanks to the technology of artificial intelligence-enabled machine learning tools, detecting lung cancer is now possible almost 10 years before its onset. Dubbed as ‘CanPredict’, the AI program helps high-risk […]

Google CEO suggests AI Guardrails instead of 6 months pause

Google CEO Eric Schmidt has opposed the 6-month pause on the development of Artificial Intelligence technology and instead suggested the development of guardrails with the use of tech. Schmidt has a viewpoint that the pause will only benefit nations like China and expressed more concerns in an interview with ‘The Australian Financial Review’. The ex-chairman […]

AI Chatbot customer care replacing Ministers and their favors

The government of Malta has introduced an innovative service to replace human-interfaced customer care with one powered by AI chatbots. The nation, located on the North African coast, resorted to this move to put an end to the dispensing of favors or jobs by ministers in exchange for materialistic bribes. Generally, when someone calls the […]

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