
Merck wins NotPetya ransomware attack legal battle

Merck, the Pharma giant from New Jersey, has won a legal battle with its insurer for covering costs related to the NotPetya ransomware attack that crippled its computer networks to the core incurring losses in millions. Moving ahead into the details, the year 2017 witnessed many companies falling prey to NotPetya ransomware hackers. A Russian […]

Mondelez files $100m claim from Zurich Insurance for NotPetya Cyber Attack

Mondelez, the American Food, Confectionary, and Beverage Company has threatened Switzerland based Zurich Insurance with a lawsuit to pay the $100m penalty for refusing its claim for the damage caused by the NotPetya Cyber Attack. As insurance companies are tightening the rules related to the liability claims, this lawsuit will stand tall as a first […]

Cyber Attack on COSCO

COSCO US, a shipping agency having its headquarters in Shanghai, China is reported to have been hit by a cyber attack on Tuesday this week. The company has issued a press statement to its customers which confirmed an attack on its digital assets affecting the ocean water carrier’s communication in the American region only. COSCO […]

US government sees Russia as a cyber threat to undersea cables

US government’s Treasury Department has imposed new sanctions on 5 Russian companies and 3 Russian Nationals said to have helped the Russian Federal Security Services to launch cyber attacks on the critical infrastructure of United States in February this year. In a statement issued by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, it was clearly mentioned that the […]

Russia is targeting US and UK homes with Cyber Attacks

Russia is all set to launch a major cyberattack on home routers, ISPs and business firewalls located in UK and US says a joint statement issued by US Department of Homeland Security, FBI, CIA and UK’s National Cyber Security Center. Security analysts suggest that Russia is turning into a most capable hostile adversary in cyberspace […]

Cyber Attack hits Maersk Group again

Maersk has made it official that its business subsidiary operating in Australia was hit by a second cyber attack early this month. Security analysts at Svitzer Australia have discovered that the email system of the company was under the control of hackers from past 10 months before the hack was discovered on March 1st this […]

Russia shrugs off White House Sanctions imposed in retaliation to its CyberAttack

Trump Administration on Thursday imposed sanctions on Russia for meddling in US 2016 Polls and for launching destructive cyber attack campaigns on Yahoo and attempted cyber attacks against the US Electrical Grid. Singling out Russia’s role in the NotPetya attack, a malware in disguise of ransomware, but capable of wiping out the encrypted data; the […]

Vladimir Putin led Russian Military was behind NotPetya Ransomware attack!

The year 2017 witnessed two variants of Ransomware attacks on private and public entities operating across the world. First, it was the much talked WannaCry Ransomware which disrupted almost 300,000 computers working across 150 countries in May’17. And the second was NotPetya ransomware attack which struck mostly the businesses operating in Ukraine and Europe in […]

Most dangerous Cyber Security Threats of 2018!

The year 2017 was terrible for the digital world as it witnessed large-scale cyber attacks such as WannaCry (May’17) and NotPetya (June’17) on renowned firms such as NHS and Equifax. Although, the later incident was more of a data breach affecting a whopping 143 million Americans it still qualifies as a perfect example to prove […]

SophosLabs 2018 Malware report says that no OS Platform is safe from Ransomware attacks

UK based Cyber Security firm SophosLabs has released a malware forecast report which says that no OS platform is safe from ransomware related cyber attacks. Here, readers of Cybersecurity Insiders have to notify a fact that the SophosLabs 2018 Malware Forecast report was compiled based on the data collected from Sophos customers located worldwide during […]

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