A ten years old Linux backdoor linked to National Security Agency of United States was detected freshly, and analysis confirmed that the backdoor was existing from the past 10 years.
Dubbed as Bvp47 and linked to Equation Group-an NSA funded threat actor was first detected by anti-virus firm Virus Total in 2013. However, for reasons, not much was discussed or revealed about the advanced backdoor linked to Linux at that time.
Now, a Chinese Cybersecurity firm named Pangu Lab has divulged some details about the malware and its capability to remotely control its victims and secured by a RSA asymmetric algorithm that can only be enabled by a private key.
Even Kaspersky Threat Attribution Engine has linked Bvp47 malware to NSA and confirmed that the malicious software wasn’t used extensively till date and so appears to be a premium hacking tool that only targets high profile victims from telecom, military, education and economic sectors- only when the need arises.
Pangu Lab released a detailed report on this note and stated that it was surprised that America based security agency was also hosting sophisticated tools to spy on other nations and their critical infrastructure.
NOTE- National Security Agency (NSA) is threat intelligence agency that monitors, collects, analysis and processes information and data in the name of defending the nation and protecting the future of the populace. In the year 2013, Edward Snowden, a former employee of NSA, revealed some startling facts about the activities taking place inside the agency in the name of National Integrity. It includes intelligent spying on the communication taking place among a billion people across the globe; all by keeping a track of just the metadata. And on an international note, the organization is also seen conducting espionage on internet traffic generated in foreign countries through the technology of “boomerang routing”.