- Tim Woods, Vice President of Technology Alliances at FireMon
- Holger Schulze, Founder and CEO of Cybersecurity Insiders
The traditional way of applying security countermeasures has always entailed shoring up infrastructure at one location or another and hoping that attackers will be frustrated or scared off.
To combat rising cyberthreats, you need the ability to safeguard users, applications, and infrastructure across your expanding network, end-to-end and top-to-bottom. But, managing the complexity and volume of disparate solutions that do not smoothly integrate becomes a time consuming and error-prone task, as threats across your network grow and may remain undetected. Homegrown security deployments tend to slow down business operations and negatively impact productivity. Today’s enterprise hybrid networks require an agile approach network security policy management.
Join cybersecurity experts Tim Woods, Vice President of Technology Alliances at FireMon and Holger Schulze, CEO and Founder of Cybersecurity Insiders, to explore:
- How an open platform closes security gaps
- How to achieve 80% reduction in firewall and cloud security group misconfigurations
- How an agile approach to Network Security Policy Management enables shared intelligence and automation