Digital Herd Immunity is a form of cyber security that is attained when all companies (public & private) build a security base that makes it difficult for both cyber criminals and state funded actors to launch an attack in a cyber landscape.
Regarding digital herd immunity, the IT and Telecom industry of Norway are demanding their country’s Prime Minister Erna Solberg to eliminate all shortcomings by introducing formidable cyber security measures that can cut down all vulnerabilities that emerge in the National Cyber Defense Systems and Infrastructure.
Telenor, a company where 54% of share is hold by Norwegian government is urging officials to prepare a plan that can help improve the cyber preparedness against the escalating cyber threats. The Telecom giant wants all companies to come onto a single platform to develop “Digital Herd Immunity” where cyber threats can be thwarted in a more effective way.
“We want the govt to implement strong Cybersecurity measures to improve the country’s national digital and cyber security infrastructure. This can be achieved when we create awareness among online users,”, said Tangen Nilsen, the CSO of Telenor.
Telenor has also included the measures to be taken by the Norway government in its Security Report of 2020. The company has suggested an autonomous cross sectoral govt agency that can help conduct threat concept development and risk impact at a national level.
Equinor, DNB, Norsk Hydro, StoreBrand, Aker and Orkla will soon join the digital herd immunity campaign set up by Telenor as companies are concerned about the security risks that emerge from the fast adoption of 5G and rapid adoption of new technologies such as IoT and Machine Learning tools of Artificial Intelligence.