Nvidia acquisition of ARM may be Paused

In October 2020, US Processing Chip maker Nvidia revealed it is going to invest $40 billion in UK based SoftBank owned ARM to capture the surging market for semi conductors more precisely. ARM that is now owned by the Japanese Conglomerate announced in December 2020 that it is going to be part of the Nvidia […]

Super Spectre vulnerability triggers another Computer Security Scare

Intelā€™s former cybersecurity researcher Yuriy Bulygin has made it public that the famous Spectre exploit could be further exploited to gain access to all the sensitive info stored on the machine. The newly discovered cyber attack variant exploiting Spectre flaw on a further note was discovered in April this year and Intel has been informed […]

Facebook, Microsoft, and Dell sign Cyber Attack pledge

Microsoft, Facebook, Dell and 37 other companies operating in the United States have signed a Cyber Attack pact pledging not to assist offensive government cyber attacks. That means, even if the government of United States desires to launch cyber attacks on the critical infrastructure of its enemy nations ( like Russia, China, and North Korea), […]

Mobile industry is not concerned about Spectre and Meltdown Vulnerabilities!

Qualcommā€™s recently appointed President Christino R Amon said that Spectre and Meltdown flaws reported last week may show the least impact on the mobile industry. The reason, the security updates released so far have managed to mitigate and resolve most of the issues. Although, there were rumors that the said vulnerabilities will affect most modern […]

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