
Australia looses $3 billion every year to Cyber Crime

Australia’s leading financial institutions are bracing for what could be the most significant cyber attack in the history of the banking sector, with warnings issued by the top four banks. Over the past three years, these institutions have faced relentless assaults, occurring every minute of every day. This barrage has left customers vulnerable to various […]

Australian companies breach no ransomware payment policy

In response to the surge in ransomware attacks over the last couple of years, the Australian government introduced legislation in 2022 prohibiting companies from making ransom payments. Despite this prohibition, a recent survey conducted by Cohesity, a firm specializing in AI-backed data security and management services, revealed that almost 60% of respondents acknowledged opting to […]

Australia runs cybersecurity health check on all gov websites and infrastructure

The Australian government has initiated rigorous security measures to safeguard its IT infrastructure from state-sponsored cyber-attacks. As part of this initiative, the Australian Signals Directorate has conducted two cyber security threat hunts on government networks since December of last year, with plans to continue these efforts in the coming months. This action comes in response […]

Microsoft invests $5 billion to bolster Cyber Shield of Australia

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has unveiled Microsoft’s Cyber Shield, a substantial commitment to bolster the nation’s cybersecurity infrastructure with a $5 billion investment. The announcement was made during the Prime Minister’s visit to the Australian embassy in Washington, D.C., with the presence of Brad Smith, the head of the prominent tech company. This substantial […]

Trending cybersecurity news headlines on Google

1.) Tesla Faces Data Breach, Employee Information Compromised Tesla, the prominent electric car manufacturer, recently experienced a concerning data breach, with sensitive information of approximately 75,000 staff members being leaked to a German-language business media outlet called Handelsblatt. An extensive investigation conducted by Tesla revealed that two former employees were involved in illicitly obtaining intelligence […]

Australian Prime Minister urges citizens to turn off their mobile phones to fend cyber attacks

Itā€™s strange! But its true that Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has asked his citizens to turn off their mobile phones daily for 5-10 minutes to combat cyber threats and risks associated to attacks. The suggestion was made after the Nationā€™s leader was provided a briefing on how to a 5-minute turn-off a smart phone […]

Australia to issue ban on ransomware payments after Latitude Financial Cyber Attack

The Australian government is set to issue a complete ban on ransomware payments after one of its major financial lenders became the target of a massive file-encrypting malware attack on March 16th this year. As the victim received a ransom demand in Tornado Cash on April 11th, 2023, the Albanese-led government is considering banning cryptocurrency […]

Australia issues ban on Chinese surveillance cameras and products

Australian Defense Ministry has issued a ban on the use of Chinese surveillance cameras and products inside all government buildings from now on. Meaning, all new purchases will be halted and the existing hardware and related software will be replaced in a phased manner. The issue resumed significance when certain fears were raised in Britain […]

Australian companies to pay hackers for launching cyber attacks

Australian government is all set to release a new portfolio of rules that order companies pay hackers for launching cyber-attacks. But the whole activity has a hidden twist in it as only ethical hackers will be rewarded under the ā€˜bug bountyā€™ program and they will receive a reward for letting the companies know about the […]

Australia takes a vow to hack the hackers

After a cyber attack on national telecom operator Optus and Insurance company Medibank, the Australian government has hacked the hackers in order to bring them to knees. Australian Cybersecurity Minister Clare Oā€™Neil will take a decision on this note and news is out that the government wants to take serious action against state funded hackers […]

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