
Biden hosts an AI Forum in San Francisco

As an initial step, the United States leader recently hosted a forum in San Francisco to address issues related to AI development and explore ways in which it can contribute to economic growth while ensuring the well-being and safety of humanity. President Joe Biden engaged in discussions with experts from universities and advocacy groups to […]

Bidenā€™s new Cybersecurity legislation is unrealistic says study

A few days ago, the Biden administration issued new legislation that makes it mandatory for companies to disclose cybersecurity incidents within 72 hours. But a survey conducted by cyber risks disclosing firm BitSight suggests that the set deadline is unrealistic as it is hard to achieve. The conclusion was made after security researchers from BitSight […]

Russia hacks US Political Party, and Biden elevates ransomware as National Security Priority

Russia is back in news and that too for hacking the Republican National Committee (RNC) last week. However, the good news is that there was not data steal in the incident and that was confirmed by the spokesperson of RNC. APT29 aka Cozy Bear, a hacking group funded by Kremlin is suspected to be behind […]

Data Privacy threat to Americans from Biden government

In continuation to what NSA is doing, the 100-day-old Biden Government has plans to monitor the online and digital communication activity of American citizens. As per the report on CNN, this public surveillance program will be carried out by Department of Homeland Security and will be done by collaborating with private companies, mainly those belonging […]

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