Effective 7 Responses that should be given by CEOs and CTOs during a Cyber Attack

In the face of a cyber attack targeting a company’s IT infrastructure, the world expects swift and effective responses from its CEOs and CTOs to mitigate risks and minimize losses. However, many find themselves in a state of panic during such incidents due to a lack of preparedness. Here, we provide a comprehensive list of […]

CTOs and CIOs to switch jobs by 2025 due to stress

Every professional in cybersecurity dreams of being a CTO or CIO someday. They think the job is having fewer worries and offers a pay-cheque. But in reality, the practical situation is different and isnā€™t rosy as said. According to an analysis gathered by Gartner, about half of the security leaders are planning to switch to […]

CTOs not ready to take cyber-attack blame

Chief Technology Officers aka CTOs, as they are not ready to take the blame for cyber attacks and so are hiding secrets related to digital attacks, says research carried out by Keeper Security. The password management company has insisted that such scenarios often deteriorate the efforts carried out to bolster security and, as a result, […]

CTOs not ready to take the blame of data breaches

Any C-level employee of any organization will never wish to take the data breach blame in their tenure and thatā€™s a thinking that seems fair enough. And according to a study, the fear of loosing their job if a data breach is disclosed seems to make nearly two-thirds (63%) of IT leaders hide such incidents […]

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