Nyotron at HIMSS19: Watch Your Laptop Hacked in Real-Time

Health Data ManagementĀ Editor-in-Chief Fred BazzoliĀ writesĀ that data security is one of the top 12 trends for the healthcare industry this year as providers ā€œface increased pressure from hackers and intrusion techniques grow more varied and complex.ā€ So itā€™s not surprising that ā€œCybersecurity, Privacy & Securityā€ is one of the main education topics for next monthā€™sĀ 2019 HIMSS […]

Nyotron Examines the State of Endpoint Security for The Cyber Startup Observatory

By Nir Gaist, Founder and CTO, Nyotron Do you ever get the sinking feeling that the bad guys are winning the war? Massive data breaches made headlines throughout 2018, affecting companies including Facebook, WhatsApp, Ticketmaster, Air Canada, MyFitnessPal, T-Mobile, Marriott Starwood hotelsā€¦ the list goesĀ onĀ andĀ on. As the old saying goes, ā€œknowledge is powerā€ and providing […]

2019 Predictions: A New, Unknown Threat Is Comingā€¦

Nir Gaist, Founder & CTO, Nyotron 2018 could not have gotten off to a worse start for information security professionals. The New York City cleanup crews had barely finished sweeping New Yearā€™s Eve celebration confetti off the streets when we learned about Spectre and Meltdown. Nearly every CPU manufactured in the last two decades contained […]

2019 Predictions: Attacks on Industrial IoT

By Nir Gaist, Founder & CTO, Nyotron As we draw closer to flipping the calendar to 2019, we can look back on the 2018 cybersecurity landscape to help us anticipate what information security professionals should prepare for in the new year. One lesson we learned is that municipalities and utilities are soft targets. SC Mediaā€™s […]

AV Canā€™t Protect Your Endpoints Against All Threatsā€¦ But Donā€™t Uninstall!

You might find yourself doing a double-take the first time you read the headline of CSO contributing writer Maria Korolovā€™s recentĀ article, ā€œWhy the Best Antivirus Software Isnā€™t Enough (and Why You Still Need It)ā€. Itā€™s not exactly breaking news that even next-generation AV solutions are not anywhere close to 100% effective at preventing new and […]

The Healthcare Issue Both Parties Must Support: Improving Cybersecurity

Tom Sullivan (@SullyHIT) atĀ HealthcareITNewsĀ andĀ FierceHealthcareā€™sĀ Evan Sweeney (@@DB_Sweeney) have both written interesting analyses of what last weekā€™s midterm elections may mean for advancing healthcare IT-related issues. The consensus among many of the experts Sullivan and Sweeney interviewed is that lawmakers should place improving the nationā€™s healthcare IT infrastructure, including hardening its cybersecurity posture, at the top of […]

Nyotron PARANOID Blocks 100% of Unknown Threats During Rigorous ICSA Labs Testing

Deploying traditional security solutions like antivirus and firewall (whether next gen or not) that only attempt to detect new malware based on the past knowledge (e.g., previous malware samples and techniques) may have been sufficient in the 1990s, but not today. More and more organizations worldwide are falling victim to targeted attacks and suffering devastating […]

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