electric vehicles

Now electric charging stations are vulnerable to hackers after public USB charging points

In recent times, much attention has been given to the potential risks of charging our smartphones from public USB ports found in places like airports, cafes, and rail transit stations. However, a fresh wave of warnings is now emanating from security analysts, urging electric vehicle (EV) users to exercise caution when using vulnerable public charging […]

Cyber threat to Electric Vehicles

A recent online survey conducted for Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company (HSB) suggests that over 74% of prospective owners of Electric Vehicles(EVs) are in a fear that their vehicles might fall prey to ransomware, state funded campaigns and other variants of cyber attack when connected to public charging stations. Zogby Analytics was the […]

Trending Cybersecurity News Headlines

Trend Micro, a Japan-based Cybersecurity firm has come up with a prediction that cyber attacks on cloud platforms will increase in 2019 as hackers will use sophistication to break into new cloud technologies such as ā€“software as a service to spread malware. Providing more details in its Cybersecurity Reports, the company said that in 2019 […]

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