
Emotet malware steals 4.3 million email addresses

Emotet Botnet that establishes a backdoor on Windows systems has reportedly stolen 4 million email addresses over the past couple of years said Troy Hunt, the Regional Director of Microsoft and the founder of data breach disclosure digital firm HaveIBeenPwned. All those compromised emails have been registered at the website of Mr. Troy and those […]

Donald Trump supporters be wary of this Emotet Trojan Malware

All those fans of US President Donald Trump, you better be aware of this Trojan malware that can target you at any moment. News is out that a banking Trojan lurking on the web is targeting the supporters of Trump and Mike Pence. Reports are in that the malware campaign was first sighted by Area […]

Emotet malware attack on Email users at the United Nations

Email Users at the United Nations were targeted with sophisticated phishing attacks by Emotet malware operators. Reports are in that the operators who developed Emotet have now devised a phishing email campaign in the name of the Permanent Mission of Norway. The hackers are seen pretending to deliver accounting forms, delivery notifications, and invoices which […]

Nuspire Security Researchers Discover 730% Increase in Emotet Activity

Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP), Nuspire today released its recent Quarterly Threat Landscape report that includes top Botnet, Malware and Exploit activity throughout the third quarter. The most prevalent activity identified in the report was Emotet, which had a 730% increase in activity in September after being in a near dormant state.  Emotet, a modular […]

World’s 7 most dreaded malware

Cybersecurity Insiders brings to you a list of World’s 7 most dreaded malware which is as follows- Coinhive- This happens to be a malware which happens to perform online mining of Monero Cryptocurrency. And distributors of this malware are often found targeting data centers of SMBs operating across the globe. Coinhive is often found infecting […]

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