Cyber Attack news headlines trending on Google

Federal Trade Commission Clears X (formerly Twitter) of Data Security Violations Following an investigation into the server operations of X, previously known as Twitter, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has announced that Elon Musk’s company has upheld user privacy and safeguarded their data. This statement comes in response to complaints filed by privacy advocates alleging […]

Cyber Attack news headlines trending on Google

Interpol, in collaboration with several global law enforcement agencies, initiated Operation Synergia with the aim of apprehending criminals involved in spreading ransomware and conducting malware and phishing attacks. The operation successfully resulted in the seizure of approximately 1300 suspected IP addresses and URLs engaged in ransomware and banking malware dissemination. Security researchers from the Israeli […]

FTC issues ban on location data and bars information brokers from duties

Following an investigation into the unauthorized use and sale of geolocation data by two companies, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States has officially banned the collection and exploitation of such data by companies moving forward. In response to complaints filed on January 9th of this year against X-Mode Social Inc and its […]

FTC starts data security probe on ChatGPT OpenAI

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has turned its attention towards ChatGPT, the conversational Chatbot developed by OpenAI and now owned by Microsoft, due to concerns regarding data privacy. The data watchdog has requested that the technology company submit a detailed report outlining how it manages the risks associated with its AI models and how it […]

Will US FTC issue ban on use of ChatGPT future versions

An ethics group that specializes in technology has lodged a complaint against OpenAI, the de-veloper of ChatGPT, with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The group, known as the Centre for AI and Digital Policyā€™s Complaint (CAIDP), has urged the FTC to block OpenAI from releasing more chatbot versions that utilize AI and machine learning tools […]

United States imposes $6.8 billion penalty on Facebook for data scandal

The United States has imposed a $6.8 billion penalty on Facebook for its Cambridge Analytica data scandal. However, the fine which was pronounced by the Federal Trade Commission(FTC) on Friday this week has to get approval from the Justice of Department before it gets finalized. Cybersecurity Insiders has learned that the penalty was levied after […]

Facebook to face $22.5 million penalties for data privacy violations

Mark Zuckerbergā€™s company Facebook is on the verge of facing a penalty of $22.5 million by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC). And if this penalty turns into a reality, this could be the biggest fine ever imposed on any company in the history of North America. FTC is now not in a position to […]

YouTube to face a billion dollar fine for collecting data of Children under 13

If the probe conducted by the Federal Trade Commission(FTC) turns positive, then Google video streaming service YouTube can face a billion dollar fine for collecting data of children under 13. On further going into the details, Google subsidiary YouTube is being accused of violating the data privacy laws related to children under the age of […]

United States FTC starts a new website to train SMBs on how to avoid Cyber Attacks

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has started a new website for SMBs with an objective to help small businesses avoid cyber attacks. Based on the inputs of the acting Chairman Maureen Ohlhausen, the website was started to host articles, videos, and other info aimed to educate owners of small businesses to avoid scams and protect […]

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