Insider threat

The Insider Threat: Can Employees Pose a Greater Risk than Hackers

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, organizations face a multitude of threats that can compromise their sensitive data and operations. While external threats from hackers and cyber criminals are well-recognized, there’s an often-underestimated risk that originates from within ā€“ the insider threat. This article explores the potential dangers posed by employees and examines whether they […]

Insider Threats nurtured for circumnavigating data centers

A few days ago, our Cybersecurity Insiders reported an alarming trend: hackers are actively persuading employees of corporate firms to surrender their login credentials, providing a gateway for unauthorized network access. Now, sources on Telegram are forecasting an escalation in cyberattacks, particularly involving malware and file-encrypting malware. These predictions suggest that criminals will increasingly exploit […]

Insider Threat Alert as employees take data while leaving a Job

According to a recent survey conducted by email security providing firm Tessian, nearly one third of employees take data while leaving their job. And there is a high probability that the information can be used for various malevolent purposes. With COVID-19 pandemic ruining careers of many in 2021, workers are seen taking data with them […]

Insider Threat to Google as it fires 36 employees in 2020

Well, this is indeed an interesting news piece to all those who are interested in Information Security. A leaked internal document of Google that was accessed & disclosed by, a tech subsidiary of Motherboard Tech, states that the internet juggernaut fired 36 employees in 2020 for fraudulently accessing Google user or employee data. Insider […]

Prying Eyes Inside the Enterprise: Bitglass’ Insider Threat Report

This post was originally publishedĀ hereĀ by Jacob SerpaĀ . When words like cyberattack are used, they typically conjure up images of malicious, external threats. While hackers, malware, andĀ other outside entities pose a risk to enterprise security, they are not the only threats thatĀ need to be remediated.Ā  Insider threats, whichĀ involve either malicious or careless insiders, are another significant […]

Ensuring Data Security with Remote Workers

by Patrick Knight AĀ 2018 studyĀ released by IWG found that every week, 70% of employees are working at least one day from somewhere other than the office ā€“ a reality that presents many opportunities, but also a few challenges, specifically as it relates to cyber security. Most notably, an increasingly remote workforce presents a greater risk […]

Small Businesses are being threatened by these top Cyber Attacks

A Business is a business, no matter how much you are investing in it to raise it from the roots. And if you are one of the ownerā€™s of the estimated 28 million small businesses in America, then it’s high time to include cybersecurity into your enterprise toolkit. According to a survey carried out by […]

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