
Robots injected with Ransomware can push businesses into deep financial trouble

All these days we thought that ransomware can only infect computer systems causing huge financial loss to a business/s. But have you ever imagined a robot getting infected with ransomware? Yes, this is what was experimented by some security experts from IOactive who later concluded that the said malware can not only make robots malfunction […]

Most of the Global Industrial IT Systems are vulnerable to Cyber Attacks!

Security firms IOActive and Embedi released a report yesterday (January 11, 2017) which says that most of the Industrial IT Systems operated across the world and using Industrial Control Systems(ICS) technology are vulnerable to Cyber Attacks. Researchers from Embedi, a cybersecurity startup say that more than 147 cybersecurity vulnerabilities were found in 34 mobile applications […]

World’s top Stock Trading apps are filled with security flaws triggering Mobile Security Alert

A Seattle based Cyber Security Company named IOActive has disclosed that some of the world’s top stock trading apps are filled with security flaws triggering a mobile security alert.  The lists of the apps which are riddled with security flaws include TD Ameritrade, Charles Schwab, E-Trade, and fidelity. Alejandro Hernandez, the senior security consultant working […]

Cyber Attacks on Robots could spell a disaster to Human Kind!

Security Experts have discovered that world’s best-known robots are vulnerable to cyber attacks. This includes childlike Pepper Robots, Baxter Robot, and the robotic hotel receptionists. IOActive, a Seattle-based cyber security company has found these facts in a study made by its researchers. The company adds that after hacking, cyber crooks can use these artificial human […]

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