
LockerGoga and MegaCortex Ransomware alert by FBI

FBI has issued a warning alert to all large corporations operating in regions such as the United Kingdom, United States, Norway, France, and the Netherlands. The law enforcement agency from the United States suggests that all private and public entities in the said region are vulnerable to LockerGoga and MegaCortex Ransomware attacks. Technically, both the […]

MegaCortex ransomware spreading hackers demand $5.8 Million for decryption

Hackers spreading MegaCortex Ransomware are reported to be demanding $5.8 Million as a ransom to decrypt locked up files says a security threat report released on Monday by the security researchers of iDefense Researchers. As per the statement released along with the threat report, Leo Fernandez, Senior Manager of the Malware analysis and Countermeasures(MAC) team […]

MegaCortex Ransomware attacks hit Corporate Networks

Sophos, a British based Cybersecurity firm has detected that a ransomware variant with the name MegaCortex was seen profusely hitting corporate networks from the past 43 days. The researchers at the security firm analyzed that the objective behind the attack could probably be ā€œBig-Game Huntingā€ where hackers seem to target big enterprises in order to […]

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