Shadow IT

Rocks, Pebbles, Shadow IT

This post was originally published here by Rich Campagna. Way back in 2013/14,Ā Cloud Access Security Brokers(CASBs) were first deployed toĀ identify Shadow IT, or unsanctioned cloud applications. At the time, the prevailing mindset amongst security professionals was that cloud was bad, and discovering Shadow IT was viewed as the first step towards stopping the spread of […]

The Ins and Outs of Shadow IT

This post was originally published here by Paul Sullivan. Shadow ITĀ refers to the unsanctioned applications used by employees who disregard IT’s app approval processes.Ā By definition, this means that IT departments lack complete visibility into what is being used to store and process data.Ā ThisĀ invites risks like data exfiltration from malicious insiders, upload of sensitive data to […]

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