
Telegram becomes a hub for hackers buying stolen data

Next time you find your corporate database breached, just be sure that the siphoned data might already been traded on a Telegram platform. Yes, this news was confirmed by Cyber Intelligence Group named Cyberint that discovered that a large set of hacking groups were super-active in sharing data on the messaging platform, sometimes on broadcasted […]

NHS postpones patient data sharing with 3rd parties till September 2021

On May 12th, 2021 NHS released a press statement saying that it intends to share data of more than 300,000 patients with 3rd parties and the purpose will be to use that information for research and development purposes. And those who intend to go against this info share can submit in writing to the GP […]

UK NHS to share data causing data privacy concerns among patients

NHS UK has made a public announcement yesterday that it is going to share the data of its patients with third parties that are involved in AI-based research and development programs that benefit the field of Medicine. However, the patients have the option of opting out of this latest update, provided they fill in a […]

Privacy Alert- NHS Trust shares data of 1.6 million patients with Google

British Data Protection watchdog is planning to sue Royal Free Trust belonging to NHS for sharing the data of more than 1.6 million patients with Google. Since the NHS trust did not comply with the data protection laws while passing on the personal information, The British Information Commissioner Office (ICO) plans to slap a fine […]

Privacy Alert- Data from Google Maps is being shared with third-party servers

Are you an avid fan of Google Maps? And do you use the app for all your day to day transit and shopping needs? Then there is a high probability that all your personal data such as your destination from where you have started and where youā€™ve visited can be shared with third party servers […]

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