
Ransomware wiping out data on tape backups and malware hitting MYSQL Servers

Finland’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has issued a warning concerning a new wave of cyber threats, with hackers now deploying ransomware on Network Attached Storage (NAS) appliances and tape storage media, aiming to obliterate stored information. The Akira Ransomware group is suspected to be behind these attacks, having targeted approximately seven companies in December […]

Hackers are turning Webcam users into slaves

All those who thought that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and Ex-FBI Director James Comey were covering their webcams with tape just for fun, hereā€™s a fact to enlighten your minds. A Symantec based security expert named Candid Wueest says that hackers are nowadays turning webcam users into slaves by recording their secret activity through their […]

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