
Navigating the API Threat Landscape in Finance

Traceable AI just released a report on the escalating concerns surrounding API security within the financial services sector. The comprehensive study, which canvassed insights from over 150 cybersecurity experts across the United States, reveals a landscape fraught with vulnerabilities and a pressing need for robust security protocols. Financial Sector at a Regulatory Crossroads: API Security […]

The Kyivstar Breach and Its Implications for Global Cybersecurity

[By Richard Bird, Chief Security Officer, Traceable] In the wake of the devastating cyber-attack on Kyivstar, Ukraine’s largest telecommunications service provider, it’s time for a blunt conversation in the boardrooms of global enterprises. As someone who has navigated the cybersecurity landscape for over 30 years, I’ve witnessed numerous security breaches, but the Kyivstar incident is […]

API Breaches Are Rising: To Secure the Future, We Need to Learn from the Past

By Richard Bird, Chief Security Officer at Traceable InĀ theĀ ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, it’s concerningĀ toĀ witness a persistent rise inĀ breaches.Ā TheĀ underlying issue?Ā TheĀ consistent sidelining ofĀ APIĀ security. DespiteĀ theĀ transformative roleĀ APIs play in modern digital infrastructures,Ā they remain an underestimated component in many security strategies. This oversight isn’t merely a lapse; it’s a gaping vulnerability. Without vigilant monitoring and robust protection,Ā APIs become inviting gateways […]

Advancing API Security: An Interview with Richard Bird of Traceable AI

By Holger Schulze, Cybersecurity Insiders As the proliferation of APIs continues unabated, the importance of robust API security measures cannot be overstated. In a recent interview, Richard Bird, Chief Security Officer at Traceable AI, offered valuable insights into the increasing risks associated with APIs and how companies can defend against these threats. The Escalating API […]

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