How to Track Ransomware Attacks: A Comprehensive Guide
Ransomware attacks have become a growing concern in recent years, with cybercriminals targeting individuals, businesses, and even government organizations. The ability to track these attacks is crucial for mitigating their impact and ensuring appropriate response measures are taken. In this article, we will explore various strategies and techniques to effectively track ransomware attacks, enabling organizations […]
Now a website to track down ransomware payments
Ransomwhere, a dedicated website to track down ransomware payments, was launched by a security researcher named Jack Cable. The website will act as a dashboard that will keep a track of ransomware payments by strain and will also help security researchers conduct more analysis by presenting to them raw data that machine learning tools can […]
NHS Corona Virus Tracking app, not safe say, users
NHS which released a COVID 19 tracking app in early May this year for testing purposes is back in news for all wrong reasons. More than 50% of users using the NSHX COVID 19 Tracking app say that they do not trust the fact that the government of the UK will keep the data safe […]