
LocalBlox builds 48 million profiles by extracting sensitive information from Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter users

LocalBlox a data telemetry firm is said to have used sensitive info from Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Zillow platforms to create a ā€˜3-dimensionalā€™ picture of over 48 million users. A report from security firm UpGuard said that the information was used for advertising or political campaigns. Whatā€™s more alarming in this whole saga is the […]

BreachSight: an Engine for Securing Data Leaks

This post was originally published here by UpGuard. When we began building a Cyber Risk Research team at UpGuard, we knew there were unavoidable risks. We would be finding and publishing reports on sensitive, exposed data in order to stanch the flow of such private information onto the public internet. It seemed likely the entities […]

Vendor Risk: The Hidden Challenge of GDPR Compliance

This post was originally published here by UpGuard. The European Unionā€™sĀ GDPR regulationsĀ go into effect in May of this year. In essence, GDPR is a strict data privacy code that holds companies responsible for securing the data they store and process. Although GDPR was approved in April 2016, companies affected by the regulations are still struggling […]

Portfolio Management with CyberRisk Labels

.This post was originally published here by UpGuard. One of the challenges in mitigating third-party risk is effectively managing large portfolios of vendors. Business often have hundreds or thousands of suppliers, each used differently, presenting different kinds of information security risks. To solve this problem, CyberRisk uses a common pattern found in email clients and […]

How UpGuard Monitors Linux Systems for Meltdown and Spectre

This post was originally published here by UpGuard. Meltdown/Spectre Overview Meltdown and Spectre are critical vulnerabilities affecting a large swathe of processors: ā€œeffectively every [Intel] processor since 1995 (except Intel Itanium and Intel Atom before 2013),ā€ as meltdownattack.com puts it.Ā ARMĀ andĀ AMDĀ processors are susceptible to portions of Meltdown, though much less at risk than the affected Intel […]

The Best Way to Measure Cyber Risk

This post was originally published here by UpGuard. Information technology has changed the way people do business. For better, it has brought speed, scale, and functionality to all aspects of commerce and communication. For worse, it has brought the risks of data exposure, breach, and outage. The damage that can be done to a business […]

Minimizing Cyber Risk in Microsoft Environments

This post was originally published here by UpGuard. Microsoftā€™s enterprise software powers the majority of large environments. Though often hybridized with open source solutions and third party offerings, the core components of Windows Server, Exchange, and SQL Server form the foundation of many organizationsā€™ data centers. Despite their prevalence in the enterprise, Microsoft systems have […]

Inside the Security Ratings for the Riskiest Government Contractors

This post was originally published here by UpGuard. The government of the Unites States of America is perhaps the largest target on Earth for cyber attacks. The US has plenty of enemies, a track record of perpetrating cyber warfare and espionage (even upon its allies), numerous recent instances of susceptibility to such attacks, countless official […]

Securing GitHub Permissions with UpGuard

This post was originally published here. GitHubĀ is a popular online code repository used by over 26 million people across the world for personal and enterprise uses. GitHub offers a way for people to collaborate on a distributed code base with powerful versioning, merging, and branching features. GitHub has become a common way to outsource the […]

What Constitutes a Company’s Web Presence?

This post was originally published here by UpGuard. Introduction The Internet Footprint There is much more to a companyā€™s internet presence than just a website. EvenĀ a single website has multiple facetsĀ that operate under the surface to provide the functionality users have become accustomed to. The internet footprint for every company comprises all of their websites, […]

UpGuard is the only platform that provides CSTAR, the CyberSecurity Threat Assessment Report. CSTAR looks at your infrastructure from the inside-out and provides an easy-to-understand risk score which insurers can use in determining a fair premium for cybersecurity insurance. Our customers use UpGuard to accelerate DevOps initiatives, identify critical security gaps and vulnerabilities, streamline auditing and compliance testing, and gain visibility into the true state of their infrastructure.
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