
Decoding Router Vulnerabilities Exploited by Mirai: Insights from Honeypot Data

Already in 2024, we successfully defended against 5.8 million Mirai-related attacks and saw a spike in honeypot activity related to Mirai, all aimed at exploiting vulnerabilities in aging router systems. These attacks exhibit striking similarities, a theme we will explore further in subsequent sections of this blog. By understanding the common threads among these exploits, […]

The internet is now at the mercy of open source vulnerabilities.

The future of the Internet and new innovations, such as the metaverse and Web 3.0, is at a crossroads. The growing menace of vulnerabilities in open source platforms, siloed web management systems, and insufficient website oversight threaten to push the internet to breaking point. At Forrit we conducted a comprehensive survey involving more than 500 […]

Cybersecurity trends: Some rays of hope among the dark clouds

[By Dov Lerner, Cybersixgill] Cybersecurity veterans often have a pessimistic view of the industryā€™s trends: attacks seem to be always on the rise, threat actors become more sophisticated, and breaches grow costlier than ever to their victims. Ā  Iā€™m happy to note that thereā€™s some good news for a change, as my company discovered while […]

How Turning Off Bluetooth Can Safeguard Your Mobile from Cyber Attacks

In today’s interconnected world, our smartphones have become central to our lives. We rely on them for communication, navigation, entertainment, and even personal security. However, the convenience they offer comes with a price ā€“ the constant threat of cyberattacks. One often overlooked, yet significant, vulnerability in our smartphones is Bluetooth. By understanding the risks and […]

Cloud environments blamed for security vulnerabilities

Fascinating research carried out by Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 has unveiled that a staggering 80% of organizations point the finger at cloud environments for the majority of security challenges they face within their enterprise landscapes. According to the Unit 42 Attack Surface Threat Research study, cloud security vulnerabilities predominantly stem from a few key […]

Over 99% of US Govt employees using outdated Android OS Versions

A research carried out by mobile security firm Lookout states that over 99% of government employees in United States are using outdated android OS loaded smart phones. And because of the pandemic, most of them are accessing their office apps on their mobile devices that is making them fall prey to several vulnerabilities often exploited […]

New Research: 2020 Vulnerabilities on Target to Match or Exceed Last Year

2020 vulnerabilities are on target to match or exceed last year as routine Patch Tuesday events begin to reach volumes comparable to Januaryā€™s Vulnerability Fujiwhara. RICHMOND, VA, November 9, 2020Ā ā€”Ā Risk Based Security today released theirĀ 2020 Q3 Vulnerability QuickView ReportĀ revealingĀ that the number of vulnerability disclosures is back on track to reach or bypass 2019 as we […]

Cybersecurity vulnerabilities in millions of Smart Connected Devices

Security vulnerabilities found in the software used by millions of connected devices might lead to a catastrophic shutdown of the entire digital world in coming days, say a research carried out by ForeScout Technologies. A report released by the firm on Tuesday says that hackers are prying on millions of connected devices that help them […]

Research discovers new Mobile Browser security vulnerabilities

A study carried out by Rapid7 Inc has found serious security vulnerabilities in the mobile browsers that could allow hackers to fake any web portal address direct from the address bar. Also, the research has confirmed that vulnerabilities do exist in multiple mobile browsers that include some big names such as Yandex, Appleā€™s Safari, Opera […]

Qualcomm Mobile Processors are vulnerable to Cyber Attacks

According to a study carried out by the security researchers from Check Point, over 40% of Android phones operating on Qualcomm Processors are vulnerable to cyber attacks. A reported released by the Tel Aviv based Cybersecurity firm suggests that the chip sets produced by Qualcomm were exhibiting 400 security flaws that could be exploited by […]

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