
To Xfinityā€™s Breach and Beyond – The Fallout from ā€œCitrixBleedā€

On December 18, 2023, Comcast Xfinity filed a notice to the Attorney General of Maine disclosing an exploited vulnerability in one of Xfinityā€™s software providers, Citrix, that has jeopardized almost 36 million customersā€™ sensitive information. While the vulnerability was made in August of 2023, the telecommunications solutions provider announced patches in October, but it already […]

Cyber Attack news headlines trending on Google

The festive season of Christmas 2023 has unfortunately become a prime time for cyber-criminals to unleash a wave of cyber attacks, with incidents occurring globally every two hours. In a recent development, Iran’s petrol stations found themselves under siege from a sophisticated cyber attack orchestrated by a group of hackers known as Gonjeshke Darande, translating […]

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