This post was originally published here by Nat Kausik.
A global aerospace giant pinged our chat line earlier this week. They were shopping for a CASB, and told us that they were referred to us by a competitor. Say what?
Turns out this customer uses GSuite (aka Google Apps). And needed real-time inline data protection on managed and unmanaged devices They had tested two competing CASB – at least CASB in name – to find that the only thing offered was “monday morning” API alerts after data-leakage events. One vendor was a public company that had acquired a couple of CASB startups and was trying to pass them off as an integrated CASB platform. The other vendor is a startup that has strong marketing and sales efforts built around an API-only solution, in addition to a growing sense of resignation around their technical limitations. After a failed trial, they referred the customer to Bitglass – “only Bitglass can handle Gsuite in real-time.” Thank you!
The power of AJAX-VM. Any app, any device, agentless robust real-time inline data protection.