Facts vs Deception: Today’s Phishing Attack Landscape

    • Kevin O’Brien, GreatHorn Email Security
    • Holger Schulze, Founder and CEO of Cybersecurity Insiders

Information security teams are continually on the front lines battling phishing attacks that are exponentially targeting your weakest link – end users. Balancing between too many quarantined emails that produce false alerts and reduce operational efficiency or relaxed policies that could easily result in a data breach, is a foundational problem.

Join this webinar as cybersecurity experts Kevin O’Brien of GreatHorn Email Security and Holger Schulze, founder and CEO of Cybersecurity Insiders, discuss:

• The results of the 2020 Phishing Attack Landscape Report
• Requirements and considerations for a layered email security approach
• Secrets to more efficiently responding to advanced phishing attacks
• How to enable end users in-the-moment of risk