New Jersey-based aircraft manufacturer ASCO which also happens to be one of the world’s biggest suppliers of airplane parts has revealed that its servers have fallen prey to a ransomware attack.
The company which actually operates from Zaventem, Belgium said that the IT disruption led to the operations shut down in its plan leaving 1000 of its 1400 workers jobless.
An initial probe into the ransomware attack said that Asco decided to shut down its plant for only a couple of days. But now, the company’s official statement says that the impromptu leave has been extended for this whole week.
Cybersecurity Insiders has learned that the malware infection invaded the servers on June 7th i.e. last Friday and most of the IT infrastructure in Zaventum plant of Belgium, Germany, and Canada were disrupted along with those operations in the United States.
Network services at the non-production offices located in France and Brazil remained unaffected.
Note 1 – Asco happens to be the spare parts suppliers to companies like Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, and Lockheed Martin and is also into the manufacturing of military based units such as F-35 jets and Rocket launchers.
Currently, the name of the ransomware is yet to be revealed, but a news source from The Telegraph said that the malware which took down the servers of Norsk Hydro early this year was the same behind the incident.
Note 2- ASCO is yet to reveal the details of ransom and whether it’s going to pay or not.