It’s already a world-renowned fact that malware such as ransomware can spread into a corporate network through email phishing attacks. And the best way to protect yourself and your network from such attacks are to educate yourself with what is happening in the current cyber landscape and what to look out for to help prevent the risk of falling prey to email cyber attacks.
Cybersecurity Insiders brings to you some informative lines which for sure not limited to and are as follows-
Non-Personalized Greetings- It’s a known fact that most of the clients you deal with will certainly have some of your personal info and it includes names, bank account numbers and sometimes contacts numbers and in rarest of cases your social security number. So, if in case, you get form letters from institutions that you have already given your personal info, then you need to watch those emails on a careful note-especially those which inquire about your personal info.
Suspicious links- Always remember a golden rule- never, ever open attachments from suspicious contacts as it might lead you to a fake website set up by cyber crooks or fraudsters who are after your personal info. Just hover your mouse on the link and see where it will take you to. And if in case the web addresses are mish-mash or are wrongly spelled then better avoid clicking on such links.
Attachments which are fraudulent- Sometimes your mailbox might land up with emails which can be unexpected invoices. Hackers use such attachments to spread malware in your network by hiding HTML code which can be executed with a simple action. And so please be careful while opening such emails and verify whether you received a legitimate email.
Please keep a tab on such subject-lines- If in case you receive the following list of subject-lines via email then please rethink twice before opening such emails. Request, Direct Deposit, Follow UP, Urgent, Important, Payment Status, Hi, Hello, Purchase, Invoice due, Re:, Expenses and Payroll as they can be sent by cyber crooks to exploit your network vulnerabilities in one way or the other to extract sensitive info.
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