Media has been trying its best to create awareness among online users about the need to go for passwords that are difficult to guess or hack. Despite that, most users are seen indulging in a pursuit of using the same password on multiple platforms and that too which is easy to guess for hackers through password spray cyber attacks.
So, Cybersecurity Insiders has brought a list of 42 passwords that have been hacked over 50,000 times in the past 2 years. The aim is to discourage users from using one of the below stated passwords for their online account logins.
1.) 0123456: A password that has been hacked over 23,607,311 times
2.) 123456: This password has been hacked by 23,597,311 times.
3.) 0123456789: Hacked 7,870,694 times
4.) 123456789: Hacked 7,870,546 times
5.) qwerty: Hacked 3,946,737 times
6.) Password: This word when used as a password has been hacked more than 3,747,315 times
7.) 111111- Hacked 3,124,368 times
8.) 12345678: Hacked 2,944,615 times
9.) abc123: This password has been hacked 2,877,689 times
10.) 123456: Hacked 2,516,600 times
11.) Password1: Hacked 2,418,984 times.
12.) 12345: Hacked 2,387,700 times
13.) 1234567890: Hacked 2,264,884 times
14.) 123123: This password has been hacked over 2,238,694 times
15.) 000000: Hacked 1,959,780 times
16.) iloveyou: Password hacked 1,643,337 times
17.) 1234: hacked over 1,296,186 times
18.) 1q2w3e4r5t: password hacked 1,199,289 times
19.) qwertyuiop: hacked 1,108,463 times
20.) 123: hacked over 1,042,952 times
21.) monkey: password hacked 992,381 times
22.) dragon: password hacked 984,209 times
23.) 123456a: password hacked 980,190 times
24.) 654321: password hacked 953,549 times
25.) 123321: password hacked 929,060 times
26.) 666666: password hacked 889,482 times
27.) 1qaz2wsx: password hacked 775,475 times
28.) 121212: password hacked 741,345 times
29.) myspace1: password hacked 737,761 times
30.) 123qwe: password hacked 726,928 times
31.) a123456: password hacked 684,476 times
32.) 1q2w3e4r: password hacked 658,945 times
33.) 123abc: password hacked 648,551 times
34.) qwe123: password hacked 642,523 times
35.) 7777777: password hacked 642,523 times
36.) qwerty123: password hacked 624,152 times
37.) 987654321: password hacked 599,177 times
38.) zxcvbnm: password hacked 592,416 times
39.) qwerty1: password hacked 586,071 times
40.) 222222: password hacked 584,874 times
41.) 555555: password hacked 558,726 times
42.) 123123123: password hacked 505,507 times
Note- List taken from NordPass that happens to be password manager software launched in 2019 and is found to work on Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android and iOS operating systems. And users can use the software on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Brave and Opera browsers along with Safari.