State-sponsored Chinese cyberattack was much worse than reported earlier

Last year, a report emerged in the media that China bagged hacking group named APT10 launched a cyber-attack campaign known as ā€œCloud Hopperā€ on 8 of the global renowned Managed Service Providers (MSPs). It was revealed the hackers spied on the worldā€™s biggest technology service providers for years but were identified only at the end […]

China has been hacking data from UK mobile phones from the past 7 years

Its bad news to those using a mobile phone in the United Kingdom as a recent survey claims that hackers employed by the Chinese government have been spying on your call, text and internet data from the past 7 years. Yes, youā€™ve read it right! An Israeli based Cybersecurity firm named Cybereason has claimed this […]

Cybersecurity News trending on Google

1) According to a survey, Small and Medium Scale Businesses (SMBs) in the UK are being subjected to over 10,000 cyberattacks per day which could cost them Ā£4.5 billion on an annual note. The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) survey which included SMBs from Scotland says that over 1 million businesses operating across the UK […]

Marriott hotel discloses official Cyber Attack figures

Marriott hotel has finally made an official disclosure of what was stolen from the reservation system database of its business subsidiary Starwood Hotels last year. An official statement from the company says that over 383 million customer records were siphoned by the hackers in the said cyber incident. And the stolen info includes 25.55 million […]

China blamed for Cyber Attacks on US, UK, Europe, and Canada

All these days Russia and its intelligence services were blamed for launching cyber attacks on the digital infrastructure of private and public entities operating in the West. But now, Britainā€™s Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has blamed Chinese secret services for initiating sustained cyber attacks on the west to steal business secrets and to generate political […]

Cyber Attack on UK Ministry of Defense

According to a news report of Sky News, the UKā€™s Ministry of Defense(MoD) has witnessed a total of 37 cyber attack incidents last year. And the blame is reportedly been put on the renowned Chinese hackers group named APT10. However, the report disclosed by the UKā€™s top-notch news channel doesn’t r reveal the facts on […]

Cyber Attack on US Trade Group before Trump-Xi Trade Summit

Chinese Hackers launched a cyber attack on US Trade Group just before the Trump-Xi Trade summit of Thursday. And as per the report published by cyber security firm Fidelis, the Chinese APT10 hacking group is responsible for this hack. According to the technical details available with Cybersecurity Insiders, APT10 succeeded in implanting a piece of […]

China cyber attacks IT companies operating in Britain

China-based hacking group known as APT10 has launched spear-phishing cyber attacks on IT firms based in London. United Kingdomā€™s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has confirmed this news and added that the aim of these cybercriminal gangs is to steal private data along with intellectual properties and use them as a proxy for future attacks. […]

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