
Cyber Attack on Austria and suspect is Russia Fancy Bear

Austriaā€™s foreign ministry has issued a press statement yesterday admitting that a serious cyberattack took place on the database of its Ministry on Saturday and the suspect happens to be Russiaā€™s Fancy Bear. Ā  The press statement adds that the attack was a pre-mediated state-funded cyber attack and was targeted at the Foreign Ministryā€™s database […]

Ransomware attack on Telangana and Andhra Pradesh power utilities

1.) A ransomware attack on the websites of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh power utilities is said to have forced the related officials to pull their respective websites offline. The restoration of the data is going on full swing and most of the systems might get restored by the day end of Friday. News is out […]

Hackers use Ransomware to lock hotel rooms filled with guests

Hotel Guests residing at Romantik Seehotel Jagwir Luxury Hotel were locked up in their rooms for almost 10 hours due to a cyber attack on the central key management system. According to a European News Resource, ā€˜ The Localā€™ the establishment reservation system and the cash desk system were also pulled down by the hackers. […]

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