
Bitglass Named A Leader in Gartnerā€™s 2020 Magic Quadrant for CASB

This post was originally published by Will Houcheime. Gartner just released itsĀ 2020 Magic Quadrant for Cloud Access Security Brokers, wherein Bitglass was recognized as a Magic Quadrant Leader for the third year in a row. Time and again, we feel Bitglass has demonstrated its ability to drive innovation in the CASB space and develop advanced […]

The Four Pillars of CASB: Visibility

This post was originally published by Juan Lugo. Due to the potential for data leakage in the cloud, the use ofĀ CASBs (cloud access security brokers)Ā is needed in order to maintain visibility over data that has gone beyond the reach of on-premises tools. Bitglass enables organizations to monitor cloud applications through one portal which offers complete […]

Glass Class: Integrating CASB with DLP

This post was originally published by Will Houcheime. Most organizations withhold extremely sensitive data, and to prevent that information from leaking externally, they have turned to data loss prevention (DLP) tools. In the past, these organizations would apply DLP tools to their on-premises storage solutions, but as companies started to migrate to the cloud, their […]

The Four Pillars of CASB: Identity

This post was originally published by Juan Lugo. With cloud being so prevalent, it is inefficient for organizations to not consolidate the existing identity and authentication systems used for internal applications. Consequently, employees will no longer need to memorize multiple passwords for the plethora of applications used in-house by utilizing a single sign-on. With the […]

The Four Pillars of CASB: Threat Protection

This post was originally published by Juan Lugo. Threat protection, one of the four pillars that makes up Bitglassā€™s four quadrants, is integral for defense against malware. Bitglassā€™Ā CASB (cloud access security broker)Ā can proactively defend against any threat, while other security tools have more of a reactive approach toĀ malware detection and prevention. Oftentimes, months go by […]

The Four Pillars of CASB: Data Protection

This post was originally published by Will Houcheime. In this blog series, we discuss the key capabilities ofĀ cloud access security brokers (CASBs), and why organizations are turning to them as they migrate to the cloud. One of the four pillars of CASBs is data protection, which focuses on securing all information going back and forth […]

Bitglass at AWS re:inforce 2019: The Next-Gen CASB

This post was originally published here by Ben Rice. After returning from a trip to Boston for AWS re:inforce, I thought it would be good to share some of the key takeaways from the event. First off, Iā€™d like to thankĀ AWSĀ for putting together a first-class event with great sessions, activities, and attendees. We had a […]

Betting Big on CASB: Bitglass at Evolve

This post was originally published here by Bill Ng. The Bitglass team was in full force at Caesarā€™s Palace for Evolve 2019. As usual, our amazing partner Trace3, put on a world-class event which included over 1,000 attendees from a variety of industries. This annual conference provides an opportunity for customers and partners to learn, […]

Bitglass Rocks the CASB at Oktane ’19

This post was originally published here by Nathan Loya. Oktane 2019 was an exciting time for Bitglass. The atmosphere at Moscone West was buzzing with professionals looking to learn about cloud access security brokers (CASBs). We were able to engage with security professionals from various industries, and it was great to see how the adoption […]

From coin-flip DLP to Next-Gen CASB

This post was originally published here by Ā Nat Kausik. One of our customers replaced a first-gen CASB with Bitglass.Ā  A few months later, they took a call from a prospective customer to speak about their experience. The prospect asked the customer to compare their experience with Bitglass against the CASB that was replaced.Ā  Ā Two things, […]

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