
Ransomware attacks which will grab your attention in 2019

Ransomware attack has stood as a top malware threat in 2018 and is predicted to dominate as same in 2019. According to a study made by security researchers over 1,100 different ransomware infections are found to be preying on innocent web users in the current cyber landscape.Ā So, Cybersecurity Insiders brings to you a list of […]

Five Romania Nationals arrested for spreading CTB Locker and Cerber Ransomware

Europol has made it public that it has arrested 5 Romanian nationals for spreading CTB Locker and Cerber Ransomware. The police in association with the US FBI and UK National Crime Agency is said to have conducted a joint operation last week to nab the nationals. Romanian Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism(DIICOT) said […]

SophosLabs 2018 Malware report says that no OS Platform is safe from Ransomware attacks

UK based Cyber Security firm SophosLabs has released a malware forecast report which says that no OS platform is safe from ransomware related cyber attacks. Here, readers of Cybersecurity Insiders have to notify a fact that the SophosLabs 2018 Malware Forecast report was compiled based on the data collected from Sophos customers located worldwide during […]

Google study confirms that ransomware victims paid $2 Million a Month

Google study conducted in association with blockchain analyst Chainalysis, University of California and the New York University Tandon School of Engineering confirms that ransomware victims paid $2 million a month to hackers spreading the dreaded malware. The Google study also discovered that ransomware victims have paid more than $25 million as ransom over the last […]

Macbook users are being targeted by malware and backdoors in 1Q 2017

A recent survey conducted by security firm Malwarebytes suggests that cyber criminals are constantly targeting Macbook users by malware and backdoors in 1Q 2017. Moreover, the study analyzed that FindZip Mac Ransomware for which even the developers donā€™t have a decryption key yet has emerged as a major MacOS threat in this year. The survey […]

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