A recent survey conducted by security firm Malwarebytes suggests that cyber criminals are constantly targeting Macbook users by malware and backdoors in 1Q 2017. Moreover, the study analyzed that FindZip Mac Ransomware for which even the developers don’t have a decryption key yet has emerged as a major MacOS threat in this year.
The survey suggested that Locky ransomware was leading the ransomware pack all these days. But now, Cerber has emerged as the most common ransomware pathogen doing the rounds in the first three months of 2017. And the success of Cerber is mainly due to its features like robust encryption, offline encryption etc…
Moreover, CERBER malware developers have adopted the ransomware-as-a-service business model to propel this malware on the internet. So, this has made even the nontech criminals to get their hands on a customized version of the ransomware.
Malwarebytes expects a huge shift in the ransomware power dynamics in the second quarter of 2017. The cyber security and anti-malware software providing firm expect a continuation of heavy distribution of Cerber in 2Q 2017 due to the new developments made in design and use of the said ransomware on the web.
Note- Malwarebytes offers anti-malware software for Microsoft Windows, MacOS, and Android OS. The company offers solutions in the free version and in paid version. The free version offered by Malwarebytes scans for and removes malware when started manually, while the premium version provides scheduled scans, real-time protection, and flash memory scanners. The company’s research division conducts threat analysis in every quarter and shares info related to malware, exploits, cyber crooks and social engineering activities with the enthusiasts of cyberspace on a regular note.