Chatham House

Most of the Global Industrial IT Systems are vulnerable to Cyber Attacks!

Security firms IOActive and Embedi released a report yesterday (January 11, 2017) which says that most of the Industrial IT Systems operated across the world and using Industrial Control Systems(ICS) technology are vulnerable to Cyber Attacks. Researchers from Embedi, a cybersecurity startup say that more than 147 cybersecurity vulnerabilities were found in 34 mobile applications […]

New Technology of Nuclear Weapons makes them vulnerable to Cyber Attacks!

UK based Royal Institute of International Affairs, commonly known as Chatham House has warned that nuclear weapons reliant on new technology are extremely vulnerable to Cyber Attacks. In a report released yesterday by the London based International Affairs Think Tank, it clearly mentions about the cyber threats faced by the worldā€™s deadliest weapons. The report […]

Security experts say that no Nuclear Weapon is safe from Cyber Attacks

Security Experts from UK based think tank ā€˜Chatham Houseā€™ have revealed that no nuclear weapon is safe from cyber attacks and this could prove potentially catastrophic if nations fail to take necessary steps on the issue. Beyza Unal, a security researcher from Chatham House adds that hackers have become sophisticated to tamper the nuclear systems […]

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