
Cyber Frauds force Facebook to ban Crypto ads on celebrity profiles

Facebook is intending to ban cryptocurrency related advertisements on its platform from November 2021, as they are leading to online scams and money loss schemes targeting to thousands of individuals using Facebook irrespective of their age. Charles Randell, the chairperson of UKā€™s Financial Conduct Authority(FCA) confirmed the news and urged all internet giants like Google […]

Israel based company offers a Blockchain powered smartphone with utmost Mobile Security

Sirin Labs, an Israel based company has launched the worldā€™s first block chain powered smartphone named ā€˜Finneyā€™ which happens to offer utmost mobile security. The Tel-Aviv based cybersecurity company says that the product is being offered with an embedded cold storage wallet to protect private blockchain keys, a multi-layered cybersecurity suite and innovative crypto- payment […]

Fake Twitter scam promises Cryptocurrency earnings

Twitter IDs operating across the world including the ones operated by the government agencies are reportedly falling prey to a new ponzi scam where scamsters are promising cryptocurrency earnings to those who transfer them 0.01BTC. The tweets which are being witnessed on renowned and verified accounts states ā€œWe are celebrating and giving away N Bitcoins […]

Hackers steal $30 million worth Ethereum Cryptocurrency through Cyber Attack

The news is out that around $30 million worth Ethereum Currency was stolen by hackers through a cyber attack launched on the three of the largest wallets on a recent note. And as per the sources reporting to Cybersecurity Insiders, the latest heist launched on the multi-sig wallets of Ether happens to be a major […]

EternalRocks is more destructive than WannaCry ransomware

Researchers from Quick Heal Technologies have discovered that there exists a malware called EternalRocks which is far more destructive than WannaCry Ransomware. Though the current form of the said ransomware has no malicious elements to lock or corrupt files or compromise machines to build a botnet. It surely has the potential to make the infected […]

All about Adylkuzz malware cyber attack!

While investigating the Wannacry Ransomware attack, researchers from cyber security firm Proofpoint discovered a new malware attack which has silently hijacked thousands of computers around the world including the United States. The news is out that the hackers not only succeeded in silently planting the malware in computer networks but their activity is said to […]

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