Jeremy Hunt

Russia receives a stern warning from NATO for Cyber Attacks

Russia which faced sharp criticism for launching cyberattacks on western nations till date has now received a stern warning from NATO. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization says that it will be ready to use all means at its disposal to react to cyber attacks and the warning goes to all adversaries of the UK including […]

European Union to push sanctions on Russia and North Korea for Cyber Attacks

All those countries launching cyber attacks on the critical infrastructure of public and private companies operating in European Union (EU) will have to brace for harsh punishments including the freezing of assets, travel bans on individuals and from nations, firms and state bodies.Ā  Thatā€™s because from now on the EU has adopted powers to punish […]

China blamed for Cyber Attacks on US, UK, Europe, and Canada

All these days Russia and its intelligence services were blamed for launching cyber attacks on the digital infrastructure of private and public entities operating in the West. But now, Britainā€™s Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has blamed Chinese secret services for initiating sustained cyber attacks on the west to steal business secrets and to generate political […]

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