
China passes new automobile data security law

China has made some amendments to the existing laws and passed a new document that discloses several provisions on how automobile companies need to collect their user data as per the stated stipulations. According to a media update released by the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) the new law called the Personal Information Protection Law(PIPL) […]

China new data security law twists arms of Tech giants

China has established a new set of guidelines for tech companies that are dealing with data for business purposes. But the laws are applicable more to the native companies operating in the Republic of China than those operating on foreign shores. Ā  The new Data Security law specifically hits companies that mishandle core state data […]

Russia wants all Smartphone and Computers loaded with Espionage Software

Russiaā€™s President Vladimir Putin has issued an executive order that all smartphones and computers sold in the region from now on will have to come with preinstalled software that is likely to be in lines of Espionage software. Ā  The legislation is said to take effect in July 2020 and will be aimed at promoting […]

Donald Trump signs executive order pushing Cybersecurity to Cloud

Donald Trump the 45th President of United States has signed an executive order on Thursday pushing cybersecurity to cloud. The order which was pronounced by Tom Bossert, the adviser of White House Homeland Security recites that the government agencies should start using cloud computing techniques to modernize the usage of IT Infrastructure. Thus, the latest […]

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