
Fighter Jet Plans stolen in Australian Cyber Attack!

The hacker named ‘Alf’ who launched a cyber attack on an Australian Defense Contractor last year is reported to have stolen sensitive data related to Joint Strike Fighter Program and other military hardware related info. According to the details available to Cybersecurity insiders, around 30GB of data was stolen in the incident and it includes […]

North Korea launches Cyber Attack to steal South Koreaā€™s War Plans

A group of state-funded hackers from North Korea are reported to have hacked a South Koreaā€™s military database last September to gain access to 235 GB of sensitive data, including war plans. The leaked data includes ā€˜Operational Plan 5015ā€™ which is considered as classified info to be used in case a world war three takes […]

US to create independent military command to Combat and Thwart Cyber Attacks

The United States, under the perseverance of Donald Trump, has decided to create an independent military command for defensive and offensive cyber operations. Trumpā€™s plan is to intensify Americaā€™s ability to wage cyber war against the Islamic State Group and other foes like Russia and China.Ā  Thus, the new US Cyber Command will work as […]

Russian Military influenced US 2016 Polls with Cyber Attacks

All these days they were ā€˜nā€™ number of media speculations claiming Russian influence on US 2016 Polls. But now, as per an article posted by ā€œ The Interceptā€ it proved that Russian military intelligence agency launched a cyberattack on a US company offering US Voting services and systems just hours before the election day. The […]

Russian Hackers launch cyber attacks on Pentagon through Social Media Posts

Russian Hackers are now launching cyber attacks embedded in social media posts and the latest victim who fell victim to this spear phishing campaign is a top official from Pentagon. According to Times Magazine, Russian hackers are now launching cyber attacks on government officials of United States by attaching malicious links to Twitter posts. The […]

Germany strengthens its nationā€™s cybersecurity with a new military unit

Germany has finally decided to up its stand on cyber security. So, on this note, the country has launched a new military unit dedicated to thwarting cyber attacks on public and private utilities. Therefore, from now on, as soon as a nation launches a cyber attack on Germanyā€™s digital assets, the militaryā€™s special unit will […]

Chinese investment in cyber security startups worries Pentagon

The United States Department of Defense, shortly known as Pentagon is extremely worried about growing investments from Chinese firms on startups related to cyber security and military defense. As per a New York Times reports, firms based in China are showing a lot of enthusiasm in investing in American startups, which includes rocket engine manufacturers, […]

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