#Nyotron #PARANOID #endpointsecurity

The MITRE ATT&CK Model: A More Effective Way to Detect and Block Cyber Attacks

There have been a variety of models used to define different attack methodologies. Perhaps the most common is Lockheed Martinā€™sĀ Cyber Kill Chain, that identifies the individual phases of malware attacks. Defining the phases enables you to better understand how to anticipate, prevent, detect, and respond. Lockheed derived the name from the military term ā€œkill chainā€ […]

Nyotronā€™s PARANOID Discovers and Blocks a New ā€œAgent Teslaā€ Variant

Source: Krebs on Security Earlier this month, Nyotronā€™sĀ PARANOIDĀ prevented an attack that had managed to slip past the endpoint security solution installed on one of our customerā€™s endpoints. According toĀ our analysis, the attack involved a new variant of the Agent Tesla trojan. It still had that ā€œnew car smellā€ ā€” appearing in the wild mere hours […]

CSO.com Reviews Nyotron PARANOID

Whether you work for an established security industry player like Symantec or a smaller company trying to build brand awareness, providing your solution to a media outlet for an in-depth review is both an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. A positive review will put your product in front of an enormous audience of potential customers. Of […]

Look for “Whatā€™s Not Rightā€ Instead of ā€œWhatā€™s Wrongā€

In cybersecurity, we tend to focus on things that appear wrong, and act accordingly. For instance, if we detect someone inside our network who doesnā€™t belong there, we take steps to remove them, then determine and mitigate any damage they caused (or try to). We look for a specific action or event that is ā€œwrongā€ […]

Nyotron at Black Hat 2019: Finally, EDR That Detects AND Prevents Malware

Our mission atĀ Black Hat USAĀ andĀ BSidesĀ this week is to set the record straight on what the typical Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solution can and cannot do. More IT security professionals are fast-tracking EDR implementation without first doing the necessary homework. We will also demonstrate howĀ Nyotronā€™s PARANOID solutionĀ enables your organization to overcome traditional EDR limitations by […]

What ā€œThe Exorcistā€ Teaches Us About Ransomware

Ā  As we head to Las Vegas for Black Hat 2019 this week, I think our industry needs to re-focus on the fact that ransomware still presents a significant threat, and that our current approaches to thwarting that threat are not working.Ā  A few weeks ago, I wrote about theĀ ransomware attacks against three Florida citiesĀ that […]

Emotet Canā€™t Fool Nyotronā€™s PARANOID

The new VerizonĀ 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR)Ā finds cyberespionage ā€œis rampant in the public sector.ā€ Verizon reports the number of espionage-driven breaches that government agencies suffered jumped 168 percent year over year, driven primarily by state-affiliated actors who accounted for 79 percent of all breaches involving external actors. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) […]

ā€œThe Bible of Securityā€ Finds a Sharp Rise in Nation-State Cyberattacks

Verizon has released itsĀ 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), and not surprisingly its findings are receiving a lot of attention from industry media and analysts.Ā Security Boulevardā€™sĀ ā€œSecurityExpertā€Ā writes it provides ā€œā€¦the most valuable annual ā€˜state of the nationā€™ report in the security industry.ā€Ā ZDNetĀ Editor-in-Chief Larry Dignancalls it ā€œbasically the bible of security,ā€ a designation also bestowed on it […]

Osterman Researchā€™s Key Questions to Ask Before Implementing EDR

Itā€™s always smart to do your research before buying and deploying any new business software or hardware. Donā€™t rush to embrace the ā€œlatest-and-greatestā€ technology because other companies are doing so. Yet Osterman Research has found that many IT security professionals are fast-tracking the implementation of Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solutions without fully understanding how […]

The Boys in Blue Battle the Black Hats

Even if you havenā€™t seen the classic sci-fi movie ā€œThe Terminatorā€ youā€™re probably familiar with Arnold Schwarzeneggerā€™s famous line ā€œIā€™ll be back.ā€ I thought of that scene after reviewing reports of how our PARANOID solution recently thwarted cyber attacks targeted at police departments. Schwarzenegger plays a killer robot sent from the future to find a […]

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