
Cyber Attack on Sweden Parliament just before Ukraine drone attack on Moscow Kremlin

Reports indicate that a distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) was launched on the IT infrastructure of the Swedish parliament, disrupting its website services to a significant extent. However, the IT teams were quick enough to digitally recover the website, which now loads slowly and is sometimes unreachable with an error. Unconfirmed sources suggest that the attack […]

National Cyber Security Centre for Sweden

As the national infrastructure and the private companies operating in Sweden were being targeted on a constant note with cyber attacks, the government of Nordic nation has planned to establish a National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) soon. The NCSC will be in lines with the cyber arm of UKā€™s GCHQ and will be managed by […]

Cyber Attack fear makes the Swedish government urged citizens to hoard cash

Cyber attack fear has made the Swedish government urge all its citizens to hoard cash in their houses in the case of a national emergency and as a precautionary measure. According to ā€˜The Timesā€™, the Swedish Civil Contingency Agency is asking its populace to stock up cash in small denominations if in case the banking […]

Julian Assange arrest leads to 40m cyber attacks on the Ecuadorian government

Since, the arrest of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange on Thursday last week, the Ecuadorian government claims that the countryā€™s IT infrastructure has been hit by more than 40 million cyber attacks. This includes DDOS attack on the WebPages of South American countryā€™s public institution, internal revenue service, universities and the website run by the office […]

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