
Future-proofing Cybersecurity at the Speed of Threats with Automation

The cybersecurity landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, driven by the rapid expansion of digital infrastructures, the adoption of cloud technologies, and the relentless advancement of threat capabilities, including new AI tools and techniques. This dynamic environment presents a dual challenge: not only must we defend against a diverse array of threats, but we […]

What is AI based Cyber Crime

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous fields, including cybersecurity. However, its application in cyber-crime represents a dual-edge sword, offering both innovative tools for attackers and advanced defenses for cybersecurity professionals. AI-based cyber-crime refers to the utilization of artificial intelligence techniques by malicious actors to perpetrate various forms of cyber-attacks. These attacks leverage AI algorithms to […]

Harnessing AI to Thwart Ransomware Threats: A Strategic Approach

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, ransomware has emerged as one of the most pervasive and damaging cyber threats. These malicious attacks target organizations of all sizes, encrypting critical data and demanding hefty ransom payments in exchange for decryption keys. As traditional cybersecurity measures struggle to keep pace with evolving ransomware tactics, the integration of Artificial […]

A New Age of Threats in Online Shopping: Cybersecurity Tips

The rise in online shopping brings more than just the ease of overnight shipping and competitive pricing – it also gives hackers more opportunities to take advantage of financial and personal information. According to Veriff, there was a 40% increase in identity fraud in 2023 compared to 2022. Payment industries also saw a 54% increase […]

How VPNs Will Adapt to Evolving Threats in the Future

Break free from online restrictions and enjoy a safer browsing experience! VPNs encrypt your data and bypass limitations, empowering you to explore the internet with confidence. The future of VPN technology looks promising. It will improve security, performance, and user experience. So, this article will discuss how VPNs are addressing these threats and what it […]

Enhancing Cyber Resilience in Banking: Leveraging Live Patching to Combat Rising Threats

Now more than ever, banks and financial institutions are facing unprecedented challenges in combating the increasing onslaught of cybercrime. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, hackers are becoming more sophisticated and even geopolitical in their tactics as they relentlessly target the systems, websites and applications within the financial ecosystem. Despite hefty regulations, the industry […]

Mastering the Cybersecurity Tightrope: Risks and Threats in Modern Organizations

Organizations of all sizes grapple with the daunting reality of potential vulnerabilities, malicious actors, and unforeseen challenges that threaten the integrity of their company. The stakes have never been higher; from small startups to multinational corporations, every entity must navigate an intricate web of security challenges daily. While the terms—’risk’ and ‘threat’—are often intertwined in […]

The Quantum Security Challenge: Data Resilience Around the Unknown

In today’s digital age, safeguarding our systems and data is a monumental change. We have crafted intricate algorithms to encrypt and shield data through asymmetric cryptography frameworks, a strategy that’s served us well. Yet, the emergence of quantum computing looms as a potential game-changer in data security. The quantum computing market boom has sparked concerns […]

Crafting an Airtight Security Posture Against Ransomware Threats

In an age where cyber threats loom large, ransomware attacks have emerged as a significant concern for individuals and organizations alike. These malicious attacks, which encrypt valuable data and demand a ransom for its release, can wreak havoc on businesses, causing financial losses and reputational damage. To safeguard against such threats, it’s essential to adopt […]

Mitigating the biggest threats in supply chain security

Four years on from the SolarWinds hack, supply chains should still be top of mind for businesses. Warnings from the NCSC have reinforced this message, but in the UK just 13% of business decision-makers describe supply chain security as a top priority. Perhaps they don’t realise how fragile and vulnerable software supply chains can be? […]

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