United Kingdom

GCHQ claims 5G network of UK is vulnerable to spies from China

Jeremy Fleming, the head of Britainā€™s GCHQ has warned that the 5G network which is about to be launched next year in the UK is extremely vulnerable to spies funded by the Chinese government. And he says that if in case, this happens, then it could pose as the greatest cyber threat to national infrastructure […]

UK decides to name and shame Countries which are behind cyber attacks

The United Kingdom has finally decided to name and shame all those countries which are trying to launch or have launched cyber attacks on its critical infrastructure. The names include Russia, North Korea, and other states which are alleged to be behind the cyber assaults on Britainā€™s infrastructure on a previous note. UKā€™s Attorney General […]

Russian Cyber Threat forces the UK to sign digital security Pact

Russian Cyber Threat has forced the United Kingdom to sign worldā€™s largest digital security pact worth Ā£15 million. The digital agreement is expected to include leaders from 53 nations to sign the worldā€™s largest cyber declaration which assures to join forces to combat criminals and hostile actors engaged in cyber warfare. As the cyber threat […]

GCHQ of UK launched Cyber Attack on ISIS

Government Communications Headquarters(GCHQ) of United Kingdom is said to have launched a cyber attack on ISIS in October last year to block its cyberinfrastructure capabilities to the core. This fact was revealed by Jeremy Fleming the head of GCHQ who also took the opportunity to declare a war on the Islamist Extremist Group on behalf […]

Vladimir Putin wins Russian Elections despite Cyber Attack

A DDoS Cyber Attack hit Russiaā€™s Central Election Commissionā€™s (CEC) Information Center on early hours of March 18th, 2018. But the attack was detected and was contained in time by the election commission authorities which then paved way for the smooth progress of Elections which was won by Vladimir Putin consecutively for the 4th time. […]

British homes with Smart Electric Meters are vulnerable to Cyber Attacks!

Security experts from UKsā€™ intelligence agency GCHQ say that millions of homes running on smart electric meters are vulnerable to Cyber Attacks. As the agency has raised its concerns over the security of the meters last week, Ministers have taken a note of it and are about to act after discussing an apt solution with […]

Russian Cyber Attack could kill millions in Britain!

Russia, now touted as the biggest threat to all western countries is once again in the news for all wrong reasons. Britainā€™s Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson claimed that a cyber attack from the said nation could kill millions of populace in Briton. Giving an interview to ā€˜The Telegraphā€™, Williamson said that Russia is always in […]

Britainā€™s NCSC blames Russia for Cyber Attacks!

After Theresa May, the former Prime Minister of Britain, it is the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) which is blaming Russia for staging cyber attacks on critical infrastructure and other sectors within past one year. Ciaran Martin, the Executive Director of NCSC has accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of conducting espionage and attacks on developed […]

Britain and France call for Digital Cyber Threat Alliance despite Brexit differences!

Britain and France have put all their Brexit differences aside to form a digital alliance to bolster their respective digital defenses. Representatives from both countries who joined the one day conference on Cybersecurity at the UKā€™s embassy in Paris today said that the event has allowed them to explore opportunities for Franco-British commercial, academic, and […]

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